Any one know if he made it back???
Any one know if he made it back???
Puzzles I had to really work for. Never did figure out the box though. Was sad to be done! More?
Best game ever
Downloaded this after I beat Year Walk. Made for a much more satisfying ending and interesting second play through. Creative to hear where the ideas came from. Well done!
The base game had already done so many new and fascinating things with the medium of iOS and this only made it more so. Loved getting another view of the story and ultimately leading to a satisfying end.
This may look like just some extra info explaining the meaning behind the mythical creatures you encounter, but there is more! So much more! Do not ignore the ending to YEAR WALK! Read the post credits carefully, and "unlock" the secrets. You can only change the future by changing the past!
If you are playing Year Walk, you need to download this app. The only way to complete the atmosphere and experience of the game is the download this app and read the entrees for each of the keepers.
The main game has a very interesting and confusing story wich realy un folds when you read this Im not going to tell you it but I will tell you a few things; keep going after the credits rember the code and dont brake the rules
Awesome game I play it with the companion I just thought that I am a part of a story!
A brilliant app to accompany a brilliant game. The combination of the two apps provides a powerhouse experience unlike any other Ive found on the platform. Well done, and well worth the money/download/time.
The game was kind of hard I never beat it, I got stuck when you had to walk through the forest, but I just read the story on here and, that was creepy Im now wondering if that was true or not.. I may never sleep again....
I dont think Ive ever seen anything more paranoia inducing than these apps. I didnt think I could be swayed to believe such things. But this...this got to me.
The concept is nice but execution is poor. Graphics is okay. Overall just walking a lot to solve puzzles that dont make sense to the story, just to scare you off. Totally not enough to ask for $3.99
Reading the companion before buying the game gave me a better understanding of the concept ! I advice every one to do the same ... Also ... Do not delete it before finishing the game ... Youll need it
This is a much needed "Companion" for year walk. it gives you background and much more. I dont want to give anything away, besides the fact that YOU NEED THIS. have fun with this app. Live long and....Or will you? its your choice.
Eerie, creepy, dark, fun, puzzling, cool. Need I say more? I will anyway. Really interesting game with great graphics, music and story. Theres a bunch of hidden stuff, and patience is DEFINITELY required. I felt like an evil Scooby Doo playing. You NEED the Companion App that goes with this game for background information AND for something important later. Moderately difficult puzzles, but do-able. I recommend this game a million times
Was already an excellent game as it was, but the meta-game aspect, à la Meryls codec from MGS, was absolutely brilliant. These guys are seriously talented storytellers and developers. Simogo has a lifelong fan in me.
Im reading it all if see year walk is real if real I be so happy :)
The text is very small on my iPhone 5, and there does not seem to be an option to change the font size. This makes the companion, which almost entirely text-based, nearly impossible for me to interact comfortably with without the aid of a magnifying glass. As traveling around with a magnifying glass is impractical Im disappointed in this purchase. I had the same problem with Sailors Dream; lovely game but the developers need to be considerate of folks with less than perfect vision. Mine isnt bad, but even with my corrected vision the text is hard to read.
You need this with the main game. The companion app is perfect just like the game! Love it!